LeeAnn Amm assistant director of Admissions, 308.865.8457 NOTE TO MEDIA: Curtis Moss, an OSU student who…
Year: 2010
Summer Advising and Enrollment Underway at UNK
Jael Roschewski Admissions Counselor, Office of Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions, 308.865.8703 or roschewskijj@unk.edu UNK– Summer Advising…
NEWS CONFERENCE: Wind turbine dedication at UNK Tuesday, May 18, 2 p.m.
Glennis Nagel Director, Media Communications, 308.865.8454 NEWS CONFERENCE: Dedication ceremonies for the newly installed wind turbine…
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Initiates 30 at UNK
Dr. Ron Wirtz UNK Phi Kappa Phi president, 308.865.8592 UNK– The Phi Kappa Phi honor society…
Handwriting Contest Winners Announced; 20th Annual Statewide Competition
Julie Agard assistant professor, Department of Teacher Education, 308.865.8556 UNK– The winners of the 20th annual Nebraska…
UNK Planetarium Presents ‘Planetarium on Parade’ Friday, May 14.
Dr. Jose Mena-Werth (308) 865-8283 UNK- Nebraska’s newest planetarium will present “Planetarium on Parade” on Friday, May…