Change for a Cause: Jane Roitsch’s career pivot inspired by life-changing encounter

Roitsch teaches students in UNK’s online speech-language pathology master’s program.

‘Every day can be different’: UNK master’s student Kassidy Kirsch loves broadness of speech therapy field

The Rapid City, South Dakota, native will graduate this May with a master's degree in speech-language…

Telehealth project connects UNK students with stroke survivors

Launched earlier this year, the Creating Connections outreach program trains future health care professionals while providing…

UNK senior Holly Rockenbach ‘shows what it means to be a Loper’

"Inside and outside the classroom, she makes the most of every opportunity available to her. She…

Affordability brings growing number of out-of-state students to UNK

Announced last year, the New Nebraskan Scholarship provides a significant discount for all out-of-state undergraduate students…

US Navy service allowed Regina Forbes to see the world, attend college

"The Navy gave me the chance to see things and experience things most people have only…