Ask an Antelope: Former UNK swimmer Rachael Page looks after Lopers in all sports

"My 'big kids' are what make my job enjoyable and why I show up every day."

Rachael Page receives KUDOS award from University of Nebraska Board of Regents

Director of Athletics Marc Bauer describes Page as a passionate difference maker and nurturing, generous and…


Students, staff and faculty show their love for UNK to kick off "I Love NU" Week.

UNK student-athletes share inspirational stories through virtual reading project

More than 30 members of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee participated in the project, which features 16…

‘All-around good kid’: Gabriel Amegatcher serves as role model for UNK teammates

Amegatcher is taking full advantage of the opportunities UNK provides. The redshirt sophomore serves as a…

UNK senior Leslie Braun receives prestigious Alpha Phi scholarship

“That was a good way to start July,” said Braun, who got engaged five days later…