Collaborative research project tracks pronghorn in Nebraska Panhandle

The University of Nebraska and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission are working together to study pronghorn…

Liaquat Hossain: Collaboration key to public health preparedness, disaster response

The chair of UNK's Department of Cyber Systems explores communications and responses to bio-related threats, food,…

Brain Gain: Ladan Ghazi Saidi studies bilingualism’s effects on healthy aging

“The most important lifetime advantage of speaking a second language is perhaps postponing the signs of…

UNK Equity, Access and Diversity Advisory wins NU inclusive excellence award

Launched in 2015-16, the Equity, Access and Diversity Advisory works to nurture an atmosphere of inclusion…

Power of Place: Nebraska settings integral part of Hollander’s storytelling

Her chapbook collection, "Mythical Places," is an exquisite, hyper-real look at life. While most of the…

‘Hostile Terrain’ exhibit shows human toll of border control policy

The 20-feet-long art installation is composed of roughly 3,200 handwritten toe tags attached to a map…