Ask an Antelope: Bryce Jensen is an actor, tech tinkerer and vinyl aficionado

When he’s not spinning vinyl at his record store or getting involved with the local arts scene, Kearney native Bryce Jensen helps maintain the classrooms, technology and studio spaces for UNK Online.

The 1999 UNK alumnus began his role as classroom technologist two years ago after a short stint as a media producer at Central Community College in Grand Island. However, he’s best known in the community for his nine years as executive director of The World Theatre and as co-owner of Buffalo Records. He’s a current board member for the nonprofit movie theater in downtown Kearney and for Crane River Theater, where he also appears in productions.

Why did you choose this career path?
My father has always been a tech guy. When I was a kid, he used to work at RadioShack during the holidays. We had the earliest PC computer, CD player and even a satellite dish. I inherited his passion for technology and I have always loved tinkering with the latest gadgets.

Another passion of mine is acting, and I have been performing since middle school. That led me to pursue my undergraduate degree in acting from UNK and my Master of Fine Arts in Media Arts and Master of Arts in Drama from the University of Montana. While attending graduate school I discovered the media arts program. It was a relatively new program that focused on digital storytelling and filmmaking. Media arts seemed like a perfect blend of the storytelling that I loved in theater and all the tech gadgets that I could dream of.

I didn’t necessarily choose my path; I just follow what develops before me.

What brought you to UNK?
Growing up in Kearney and being a graduate of UNK, I know the importance of having the university in Kearney. It is satisfying to know that our work here is helping students better themselves.

Tell us about your role with UNK Online:
I train faculty and students on how to use the technology and search for solutions to make the experience more beneficial and seamless for both instructor and student. I also livestream many campus events to our growing audience of remote students.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
I love the energy of being on campus and my great co-workers. The environment in our department is very positive and supportive. That makes it much easier to come to work each day.

What do you love about Kearney?
I love the arts and culture of Kearney. I was born and raised in Kearney and to see it grow and evolve over my lifetime is exciting. It is a town that will give back as much as you put into it. I have lived in several different places but Kearney always pulls me back. Even people who pass through the record shop from out of town comment on how they love the vibe of Kearney and never expected to find so much here.

What are some of your hobbies?
I enjoy spending time with my wife and our two dogs. I love playing video games and watching movies when I have the time. But most of that time is spent doing shows with Crane River Theater, which is truly a blast.