Cushing Coliseum basketball games among fondest memories for Carleen Jurgensen; Retiring after 45 years


Carleen Jurgensen

Job Title: Office associate, Kinesiology and Sport Sciences Department

Years at UNK: 45

Family: Husband, Ron; Son, Kenton Jurgensen, graduated from UNK in 1999 with a sports management degree; Daughter, Kirsten Scheer, currently seeking degree in elementary education vis online courses.

Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Sudoku, crossword puzzles, time with family

Four words that describe your personality? Caring, compassionate, loyal, dedicated

Share something about yourself that few people know? I was a lifeguard for many years.

What do you like most about your job? The people I work with and the students I meet and interact with.

Biggest change you’ve seen at UNK since you started? The expansion of the campus and change from college to university.

What mentor has helped you the most in your career? I have been mentored by four great bosses: Don Lackey, Ed Scantling, Paul Bishop and Nita Unruh. Each of them has been patient and understanding and great role models.

What is your favorite thing about UNK? The people and the feeling of family.

Where is your favorite place to visit on campus? I have several. I enjoy the sporting events in the Health and Sports Center and plays in the Fine Arts Building.

Biggest challenge you faced in your time at UNK? The introduction of technology into everything my job entails.

What qualities make someone successful in your position? Realizing you are here for the students and doing what you can to help them out.

How do you measure success? I feel I have become an asset to my department and have gained a lot of knowledge and abilities over the years that made the job of my bosses easier.

Tell me about the time in your life at UNK when you worked the hardest? When one of my bosses was fighting cancer and was out of the office for extended periods of time.

If you could go back in time, what would you do differently? I think I am where the Lord wants me to be so I would not change anything.

What is your fondest memory of UNK? Going to UNK basketball games in the old arena in Cushing Coliseum. The involvement of the students in the game and just the overall feeling in the arena of the fans.
