Staff Senate names new officers, senators

Staff Senate at the University of Nebraska at Kearney has named its newly-elected officers and staff senators.

Senators who begin serving in May include:

  • Diana Jones, Student Records
  • Holly Peterson, Educational Administration
  • Chelsea Swarm, Human Resources
  • Chris Wilson, Facilities Management and Planning

 The following senators were elected as officers for 2014-15:

  • President: Scot Fransk, Intramurals
  • Vice President: Swarm, Human Resources
  • Treasurer: Stacy Darveau, Dean’s Office Business & Technology
  • Secretary: Tammy Dietz, Facilities Management and Planning

The purpose of UNK Staff Senate is to promote and facilitate communication between members of the university staff and the administration, faculty and students. Staff Senate serves as a medium for addressing topics affecting staff in order to foster a better working environment. Staff Senate acts in an advisory capacity to the chancellor, administration and other university groups on behalf of the staff.


Source: Diana L. Jones,, 308.865.8443