Dr. Kim Carlson
Associate professor of Biology, 308.865.1554

“Evolution of a Moose Ecologist,” a wildlife photography presentation, will take place on Monday, Nov. 5, at 5 p.m. at The Loft in Cunningham’s Journal, 15 West 23rd St.

John “Moose” Henderson, a University of Nebraska at Kearney graduate student in biology and wildlife photographer, will give the presentation, which is being hosted by Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society at UNK.  As a part of Sigma Xi’s Science Café, the event is free and open to the public.

Henderson’s presentation will tell the progression of how his interest in wildlife photography evolved into a serious study of moose and ecology. His photographs are displayed in numerous galleries, and published in magazines and newspapers every year.

After nearly three decades working in a laboratory, Henderson began photographing wildlife and gained an interest in moose. His full-time photography business has allowed him to visit Alaska, Utah, Wyoming and Maine to photograph wildlife.

For two years, Henderson lived in Siberia to photograph moose and other wildlife. The experience led him to return to school as a graduate student at UNK. In December, he will graduate from UNK and will then go on to Michigan Technical University to complete a Ph. D. studying the moose of Isle Royale National Park in Michigan.