Nick Padula
philanthropy chair of Delta Tau Delta,

The Delta Tau Delta fraternity will be hosting their second annual “DAN-ce for life” Thursday, April 19, from 8 p.m. to midnight.

The philanthropic event will be held at the Knights of Columbus, located at 1900 Central Avenue in Kearney and will include music ranging from hip hop to country. All proceeds will go to the Kearney ARC foundation, which is one of the largest community-based organizations for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

“This event is open to the general public, and we hope to encourage the residents of Kearney to attend,” said Nick Padula of Boulder, Colo. Padula is the philanthropy chair of Delta Tau Delta.

Tickets will be $5 in advance and $7 at the door. Delta Tau Delta will also be accepting art supplies at the door in exchange for raffle tickets.

“In order to be entered in our raffle at the dance, you must bring any type of art supplies,” Padula said. “The amount of art supplies you bring will constitute the amount of raffle tickets entered.” Art supplies such as construction paper, Popsicle sticks, glue, crayons and markers are among the items needed for the ARC’s summer art classes.

“Our goal this year is to have an even bigger turnout than last year, as well as gather as much art supplies as we can to donate to the ARC’s summer art classes,” Padula said. Last year, Delta Tau Delta was able to raise $1,000 for the ARC foundation.

“This event is held in honor of one of our fallen brothers Dan Poly,” Padula said. “Dan was full of life and brought a fun, energetic aura to every occasion.”