Dr. Jonathan Thompson
Department of Chemistry, 308.865.8356

Dr. Christopher Culbertson, a Kansas State University chemistry professor, will discuss concepts regarding cancer development and astronaut safety in a presentation Friday (Nov. 17) at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
Titled “Microfluidic Devices for Cellular Analysis on Earth and on Orbit,” Dr. Culbertson’s presentation will begin at 2:30 p.m. in Bruner Hall of Science, Room 402. The talk, which is part of the chemistry research seminar series, is free and open to the public.
Dr. Culbertson said his presentation is about “the development of novel analytical instrumentation for use in trying to understand how cancer develops and how best to protect astronauts from ionizing radiation in space.” His topics are based on his research projects, which are funded by NASA and the National Institutes of Health.

He has nearly 40 publications in journals such as Analytical Chemistry, Electrophoresis, Lab-on-a-Chip, Journal of Chromatography, Inorganic Chemistry, Langmuir and the Journal of Microcolumn Separations.

Dr. Culbertson has two bachelor’s degrees, one in biology from Harvard and one in chemistry from the University of West Florida; and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of North Carolina (UNC).

After graduating from UNC, Dr. Culbertson worked for two years at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory under Dr. J. Michael Ramsey. After completing his post-doctoral work under Dr. Ramsey, Dr. Culbertson stayed another three years as a research scientist at the institution before joining the KSU chemistry department in 2002.

Among Dr. Culbertson’s honors are the 2006 NSF CAREER Award and the 2007 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Young Investigators in Separation Science.

According to UNK professor of chemistry Dr. Jon Thompson, the research seminar series was created to complement the chemistry seminar. He said that the seminar “requires students to be exposed to current research efforts in chemistry in an effort to broaden their horizons.”