Ann Tillery

An open house for the newly remodeled Mitchell Center on the University of Nebraska at Kearney campus is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 14, from 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Located in the Calvin T. Ryan Library, the Mitchell Center houses the Department of Communication and its student media. The open house will feature tours of the KLPR-FM studio and production rooms, the Antelope newsroom and advertising office, the Mac computer lab and its multimedia equipment, the smart classrooms, offices and video viewing carrels.

The Department of Communication has a recent history of mergers, which resulted in offices being located in multiple buildings. In 1989, journalism and broadcasting were merged to form the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC). Journalism offices remained in Thomas Hall with the student newspaper and computer lab, while broadcasting remained in the Mitchell Center with the student radio and television stations.

In 1998, JMC and speech communication were merged to form the Department of Communication. That brought faculty into the department who were housed in the Fine Arts Building, meaning that the department was spread among three buildings. Now the faculty, staff, computer lab and student media are all centrally located in the newly renovated Mitchell Center.

The open house is being coordinated by UNK’s Advertising and Public Relations Club. The goals of the Ad/PR Club are to help communication students learn outside of class, connect with professionals, and achieve in the fields of advertising and public relations.