Diana Kircher assistant director, Career Services, 308.865.8501 or kircherdm@unk.edu The University of Nebraska at Kearney invites…
Day: March 12, 2003
Research Mentor Awards
Dr. Ken Nikels 308.865.8843 Nominations for the Faculty Research Mentor Awards are due to the respective…
Alpha Phi Members Receive Honors
Cami Wacker associate director of student development/retention, 308.865.8519 Several members of the Delta Phi chapter of…
UNK Holds Second Annual New Music Festival
Dr. Darleen Mitchell UNK Department of Music and Performing Arts, 308.865.8632 The University of Nebraska at…
UNK Advertising Students Receive National Recognition
Dr. Ruth Brown associate professor, Department of Communication, 308-325-1111 or brownr@unk.edu Erica Wendland, University of Nebraska…
State Speech and Debate Tournament to be held at UNK
Melanie Conrad (308) 865-8407 The University of Nebraska at Kearney will host the Nebraska State Speech…