UNK- All Kearney seventh-grade boys and girls are invited to participate in the University of Nebraska’s second annual “Skills for Success” program offered by the Chancellor’s Committee for Young People and the UNK division of athletics.

Described as a program to, “give young people life skills and self-esteem,” said Hannah Anderson, UNK director of marketing, the classes will focus on the many different facets of social skills.

Classes are scheduled for selected Fridays in January, February and March 2000 and will include lessons in social skills, ranging from proper introductions to thank you notes, and the instruction of a different dance step.

The program also features a gourmet dinner at the Museum of Nebraska Art, a dinner at committee members’ homes and a graduation dance. All of the events will provide the students with an opportunity to actively use the social skills acquired throughout the course.

The Chancellor’s Committee for Young People chose the seventh grade age to participate in the program because, at that age, students start attending dances and more peer interactive activities. Through these courses in dining, dancing and social amenities, young people will gain more confidence in attending those functions.

The classes are held at the Nebraskan Student Union on the UNK campus from 6-7 p.m., unless otherwise noted. The dates for the six sessions are as follows:

Session 1ÐJanuary 21, 2000

Introduction to the program

Lesson in proper introductions

Hip-hop dance lessons

Session 2ÐJanuary 28, 2000

Asking for a dance and proper responses

Swing dance lesson

Session 3ÐFebruary 4, 2000

Lesson in accepting or refusing a formal invitation

Ballroom dance lesson

Session 4ÐFebruary 11, 2000, MONA, 6-7:30 p.m.

Instruction on table manners, dinner conversation

Gourmet meal at MONA

Session 5ÐFebruary 25, 2000

Continued instruction on table manners

Country line dance lessons

Session 6ÐMarch 3, 2000, TBA, 6-9:30 p.m.

Meals in homes of sponsors

Graduation ceremony

Graduation dance

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The program is open to the first 75 registrants. Registration forms for the “Skills for Success” sessions will be taken through Jan. 14. Any questions concerning the program can be directed to the UNK Office of Marketing at (308) 865-8671. The cost for the program is $40 and scholarships are available.