UNK-The University of Nebraska at Kearney will be hosting two presentations promoting leadership on Oct. 24 and 25.

The first presentation will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 7p.m. in room 142 in Copeland Hall. Tim Peterson, EAP Manager from Good Samaritan Health Systems, will present “Rekindling Your Purpose.” In this session participants will learn the steps necessary to define your purpose, building personal and work-related relationships, manage change, and develop stress prevention strategies. The session is free and will offer many valuable insights.

The second session, “Leadership Development, The Spirit of Leadership” will be presented by William H. Hale, Jr. on Wed., Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. in the Fine Arts Recital Hall. Mr. Hale is chief consultant for Prism Associates in Athens, Georgia. He has experience as a teacher, a professor and as a director of continuing education. His dynamic presentations are a mixture of human awareness and people development skills. His presentation is designed to challenge leaders and potential leaders to uncover the missing ingredient that distinguishes appropriate leadership from ordinary leadership.

Tim Danube, Associate Director of the Nebraskan Student Union commented, “Both of these speakers come highly recommended and are recognized in their particular fields. Any one who attends will gain from this experience.” Both programs are sponsored by UNK’s Leadership Development Council and funded by UPFF.