Walker Art Gallery Artist Talk on Road Through Nowhere photography exhibit.

John Fronczak

“Here on the prairie, quiet markers of history that represent aggressive acts surround us: historical markers, Conestoga wagons, rebuilt forts, and representations of buffalo. These items simultaneously speak of our settling this nation and the destruction of other cultures and ecosystems. I set about traveling the Great Platte River Road from just east of Kearney, NE to Fort Laramie in Wyoming and slightly beyond to photograph the intersection of our history and our contemporary landscape. I juxtapose these culturally significant symbols with the environment to inform the viewer of the impact our actions have had on the landscape and peoplescape of this region.”

The Walker Art Gallery 

Derrick Burbul 

Artist Talk 

“Road Through Nowhere

Friday, February 13

5:00 p.m., FAB 312

Reception Follows

Gallery Hours: 
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
and by appointment

John Fronczak