Kristen Larsen
Academic Success mentor coordinator, 308.865.8988

The 13th annual Disability Awareness Week, “Get Smart About Abilities,” is set for Monday-Friday, Nov. 13-17, at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
“The purpose of Disability Awareness Week is to educate and inform, and to promote understanding of what it is like to be a person with a disability, and particularly a college student with a disability,” said Kristen Larsen, an adviser at the UNK Center for Academic Success.
“We want to encourage a sense of community and help integrate people with disabilities into campus life,” Larsen said.
Events for Disability Awareness Week, listed according to date, include:

Friday, Nov. 10
Talk of the Town-
9 a.m., radio presentation to promote Disability Awareness      Week events with station KGFW /1340 AM  

Monday, Nov. 13

Career Opportunities and Information About Agencies That Serve Individuals
in Nebraska Who have Developmental Disabilities –   Nebraskan Student Union Cedar Room, 10:10-11:15 a.m. Panelists from Goodwill Industries, Developmental Services of Nebraska, Mosaic and Mid-Nebraska Individual Services will discuss their agency’s mission and advocacy role in the community.  

Get Smart About Abilities –smarties  candy with schedule handed out in the UNK Nebraskan Student Union Atrium over the noon hour to promote Disability Awareness Week.

Tuesday, Nov. 14

Assistive Technology Fair –
 UNK Nebraskan Student Union Atrium,11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Displays include a variety of assistive devices for education, employment and independent living.

College Students with Disabilities Panel Discussion –
Nationally recognized self-advocate Brandon Fletcher will speak, along with self advocates from the UNK community. Nebraskan Student Union, Room 312, 2-3:15 p.m.

Special movie presentation – “Murderball,”
rated R. Copeland Hall, Room 142, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Discussion after the movie.

Wednesday, Nov. 15

An Introduction to Asperger’s Syndrome
  Presenter Dawna Sigurdson, coordinator of Central Region Autism Spectrum Disorders Team from Educational Service Unit 10. Memorial Student Affairs Building, Sisler Room, 8:15-9 a.m.

?Universal Design for Learning and University Responsibilities When MeetingADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) Law Information Session andBrown Bag Lunch – Panel discussion geared for university faculty and staff members, cosponsored by UNK’s Center for Teaching Excellence. Nebraskan Student Union, Room 312, Noon – 1:30 p.m.  
?Disability Awareness Week Relay Races – Nebraskan Student Union, Rooms 238 A – E,    3:30 – 5 p.m. Teams of four will compete in interactive relay races for prizes. Free Pepsi and information table hosted by UNK Collegians for Integration and Accessibility members during the relay races.

Thursday, Nov. 16  

?Career Opportunities and Information About Agencies That Serve IndividualsWith Developmental Disabilities in Nebraska –  Panelists from Goodwill Industries, Developmental Services of Nebraska, Mosaic and Mid-Nebraska Individual Services will discuss their agency’s mission and advocacy role in the community. Nebraskan Student Union, Room 312, 12:30-1:45 p.m.

WINAhead Presentation – “Transition Tips into Higher Education”
   Information session with suggestions for individuals with disabilities to consider if they choose to pursue college. Presentation at the Educational Service Unit 11 in Holdrege.  Presenter David Brandt, UNK assistant director of academic success, 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Community Resources that Enhance Lives of People with Disabilities in the
Community Presentation    Panelists will include the ARC of Buffalo County, Special Olympics and Families Care. Nebraskan Student Union, Room 312, 2-3:15 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 17

?SOLO Software Hands On Demonstration    Hosted by Dr. Donna Montgomery, associate professor of Teacher Education/ Special Education. SOLO is software that facilitates inclusion through reading, writing and Internet usage. Participants will interact with software to explore applications. College of Education Building, PC Lab, Room C-112, 1:30-3 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 21

?“Sensory Integration as a Behavior Management Tool”    Presenters Eva Delsh, occupational therapist,  and Amy Dzingle-Niemoth, physical therapy assistant, co-owners from Wholistic Therapy Services, LLC in Hastings. UNK College of Education Building, Room C216, 2-3:15 p.m.

Week-long events
?“A Horse of a Different Color” –
disability skit will be read and discussed in University Foundations courses.

Disability Awareness Week is sponsored by Academic Success and the UNK student organization C.I.A. (Collegians for Integration and Accessibility), with partial funding from UPFF.

For additional information regarding the week’s events, visit the UNK website at http://www.unk.edu/uploadedFiles/academics/lso/DisabilityAwarenessWeek.pdf, OR contact Kristen Larsen at Academic Success, 308.865.8988