After following a friend to UNK, Ayush Dhungel ‘could never leave’

Ayush Dhungel

Hometown: Jhapa, Nepal
Grade: Senior
Major: Computer science (management information systems minor)
Professional goal: For the next couple of years, my goal is to boost my networking abilities and gain some new skills. Eventually, when I feel ready, I want to start my own startup related to information technology.
Fun fact: I like building computers and creating picture frames using my 3D printer. I also like talking to people about technology and business.

Why did you decide to study in the U.S.?
I felt the need to understand how progressive countries work and function. The first country that comes to mind when you think about development is the U.S., so here I am trying to understand each delicate culture and function that bind this country together and make it stronger than any other.

Why did you choose UNK?
To be honest, UNK was my friend’s choice. I just rolled along with it. But after a couple months of spending time with faculty, staff and students, it felt like home and a big, happy family, so I could never leave.

What’s your favorite thing about UNK?
The culture of UNK is unique. The student-to-faculty ratio is perfect, so you get the chance to build one-on-one relationships with your teachers. There are more opportunities to get recognition at UNK, compared to other universities. Moreover, UNK tries to provide a homey feeling for international students through diverse cultural activities.

What was the most surprising thing when you arrived in Nebraska?
I was surprised by the area of the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha.

What’s the biggest difference between Kearney and your hometown?
There is no doubt in my mind the food is the biggest difference between Kearney and Nepal. It took me more than a year to adjust. Although I am still picky about American food, I like burgers and pizza, which are uncommon meals back in my home country.

What should people know about your home country?
Nepal is one of the most diverse countries in the world in terms of geography (180 to 29,028 feet of elevation), culture (125 ethnic groups) and language (122 major languages), yet it is two-thirds the size of Nebraska.

Why should students consider studying abroad?
I think changing perspectives is the key to success in anyone’s life, and the best way to see the world through a different lens is by completely immersing yourself in an unfamiliar environment.