PHOTO GALLERY: Imagination Day shows high schoolers art, design careers

More than 120 students from 17 area high schools attended Imagination Day on Thursday at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. A recruiting event for UNK’s Department of Art and Design, the day introduces high schoolers to the courses offered at the university and exposes them to new techniques and equipment.

Participants attended art demonstrations, presentations and workshops during the event including glass blowing, ceramics, print making, painting, photography and computer animation

Discussions focused on career choices in the arts field and postsecondary education.

Recruitment is part of the mission for Imagination Day, which has brought more than 500 high school students to campus over the past four years.

High school teachers accompanying their students can connect with each other and UNK faculty while learning about the programs offered and how the university can support their lesson plans.

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