UNK management workshop offers training for business managers

KEARNEY – A one-day intensive workshop at the University of Nebraska at Kearney will focus on management development.

The June 9 Management Development Workshop is a program where business managers receive training to improve performance in areas such as communication, leadership, individual strengths and strategic analysis.

Each session is developed to educate attendees in a way that allows for both learning and practical application back in their organization.

Registration is $200 and can be done at https://unk.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_23HT1XMfdVSD7HT

Management Development Workshop Schedule

7:30 – 8 a.m.
Pre-program Reception (Nebraskan Student Union, 310)

Daniel Chaffin
Daniel Chaffin

8 – 9:45 a.m.
Job Crafting: Creating Meaningful Work, Daniel Chaffin, Assistant Professor Management (NSU 310)
Job descriptions are often viewed as static, solid structures directing employees toward or away from certain activities. Job crafting challenges this belief by arguing that individuals can redefine their jobs to incorporate their own motives, strengths and passions. The process involves mapping the tasks, relationships and perceptions of a given role to give individuals a greater sense of control at work. Job crafting enhances job satisfaction and productivity by providing tools to help people shape their jobs rather than being shaped by them.

Unleashing Creativity, Susan Jensen, Professor Management (NSU 312)
Rather than a mystical gift bestowed to a select few, creativity is a skill that can be developed and an organizational process that can be managed. Creativity is essential for an individual or organization’s ability to thrive in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing environment. This session begins by exploring ways to cultivate creativity and avoid the common barriers that get in our way. Participants will learn practical techniques for improving the flexibility and originality of their own creative problem solving process. Next, the session will focus on how group dynamics, environmental conditions, and organization practices can server to foster or limit creativity and innovation. 

Noel Palmer
Noel Palmer
Dustin Favinger
Dustin Favinger

10 – 11:45 a.m.
Effective Performance Evaluations, Noel Palmer, Assistant Professor Management (NSU 310)
Managers understand the importance of employee evaluations…maybe. Some value them as a means of avoiding a lawsuit, others a way to hold employees accountable for goals, and others use them to provide structure around professional development. This session starts by reviewing some of the primary means, pitfalls, and purposes of performance evaluations. Next, two particular approaches to performance evaluations are discussed. First, performance evaluations are discussed within the context of goal setting. Next, performance evaluations are discussed as a tool for professional development.

Developing Focused Management, Dustin Favinger, CBT Internship & Career Center Director (NSU 312)
Drawing from the best-selling book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” the session focuses on the first three habits: Be proactive; Begin with the end in mind; and, Put first things first. Managers will learn these steps to develop a deeper understanding of concepts of priority, proactivity, and influence. From these concepts, participants will then learn methods for effective prioritization to promote better time management.

12 – 12:30 p.m.
Lunch (NSU 310)

12:30 2:15 p.m.
Strategic Analysis: from Data to Insight, Daniel Chaffin, Assistant Professor Management (NSU 310)
In an information age, managers can either capitalize on data or be paralyzed by it. Some organizations have more information than they can effectively process, interpret and act on, other organizations struggle to recognize the value of collecting information in their day-to-day operations. In this workshop, we work through different strategic management theories and processes that help managers decide what information matters and what can be effectively ignored. We will cover data visualization techniques, analytic frameworks and processes by which data can be converted into persuasive, actionable insights.

Susan Jensen
Susan Jensen

Strengths-Based Management, Susan Jensen, Professor Management (NSU 312)
Research shows a clear link between engagement and performance…employees who are engaged in their work are more productive, loyal, and committed to their organization’s success. Sadly, research also shows that only 30% of U.S. employees and less than 15% of employees worldwide are engaged in their work. Using the Clifton Strengthsfinder framework, this session highlights how managers can have a profound impact on employee engagement by understanding and leveraging the natural strengths and ability of each employee. Participants will also learn the basics of building strengths-based teams and how a focus on strengths is an essential business strategy to drive improved performance.

2:30 – 4:15 p.m.
Ethical Leadership and Decision-Making, Noel Palmer, Assistant Professor Management (NSU 310)
“Ethical” is an essential feature of the definition of leadership. This session starts by defining “ethical” leadership. Next, the ethical implications of filling the role of leader are discussed: noting the responsibilities incumbent on those in the role of leader, highlighting ethics pitfalls relevant to those in the leadership role, and presenting methods of avoiding those pitfalls. The session is intended to increase awareness of ethics issues in leadership and introduce a process to follow for making ethical decisions.

Lisa Tschauner

Managerial Communication, Lisa Tschauner, Assistant Director Center Entrepreneurship & Rural Development (NSU 312)
This session examines the application of principles of communication to the managerial setting. Specifically, the influence of organizational climate, manager’s style and se of motivation are presented as important factors that influence the communication process. Participants will study methods for improving managerial communication through these various factors.

4:30 – 4:45 p.m.
Workshop Closing (NSU 310)


Writer: Sara Giboney, 308.865.8529, giboneys2@unk.edu
Source: Melissa Hoffman, 308.865.8515, hoffmanm3@unk.edu