WHAT: University of Nebraska at Kearney Science Café
HOSTED BY: Sigma Xi The Scientific Research Society
TOPIC / TITLE: Alzheimer’s Disease
SPEAKER / PRESENTER: Retired doctor Ron Scott of Kearney. Scott is a diplomat and fellow of the American Board of Family Practice and was named Physician of the Year in 2006 by the Nebraska Academy of Family Practice. He has also received the American Medical Association Recognition Award. He was a family practice physician for Kearney Clinic for 39 years.
TIME: 5:30 p.m.
DATE: Monday, Oct. 3
PLACE: The Loft, Cunningham’s Journal, 15 W. 23rd St., Kearney
QUOTE: “Alzheimer’s Disease was bewildering to me when I saw my first patient with it and I realized that I could do little for him. That was in 1969,” says Scott. “My grandfather was stricken in the 1970s, my mother in the 1980s, and it was the same story about medical help. In my practice, I have seen many of these fine, self-sufficient people be reduced to extreme dependency, grasping at straws with very little tools to help them. This presentation includes past, present and a murky future of this epidemic disease.”
CONTACT: Allen A. Thomas, assistant professor of chemistry, 308.865.8452, thomasaa@unk.edu