WEB UPDATE: Redesigned unk.edu now live

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Communications & Community Relations

UNK’s new redesigned website http://www.unk.edu/ went live in the early morning hours of May 11. The reaction has been tremendous. People react so positively to big, bright photos of our students – you can’t help but smile and feel happy when you visit our website and interact with the stories of the people at UNK.

The web redesign and development committee is grateful for the hard work of many over the last six months. More about that later.

So, where do we go from here? The website is functioning as planned and most of the major elements are in place. The new navigation (notice the drop-down links that overlay the large images in the main navigation) and the header and footer elements are organized and we hope provide easy access to the most commonly sought pages. The new landing pages and college pages are developed and will continue to be tweaked to get the best links from these pages.

Work remains on the inside pages, where departments and units’ individual pages may require some copy rewrites or editing, and new updated photos. At this time it will be useful for everyone to visit pages that you are responsible for or that represent your work here at UNK, and to identify opportunities for improvement. The web development and content teams will continue to be available to help with photos and copywriting. The summer may or may not be a good time to accomplish this work, depending on what your needs are. We have a continually growing list of photos to be taken, (some needing full classrooms or labs) and some remaining budget for photo resources.

Contact me (bartlingkh@unk.edu) or Thane Webb (webbtm@unk.edu) for questions and requests about website content.

We are working at this time to implement an extensive image library that will be accessible at http://unk.webdamdb.com/. This image library will organize our photo images for your use and will streamline the image access process. More information will be coming when that library is fully ready.

The web committee of John La Duke, Jane Sheldon, Dusty Newton, Thane Webb and I, thanks the entire campus community for all your work and patience through this process. There are many faculty and staff who worked to help get photo shoots arranged, information gathered, and pages approved. Other thanks and recognition to the UNK web development team: Thane Webb and Amanda Andresen; art director and graphic designer Amy Jacobson; content developers Sara Giboney, Kyle Means and Todd Gottula; our project photographer Corbey Dorsey; and outside creative and programming assistance from Rochelle Edwards and Ann Pelster from Intellicom, and Travis Hollman and Kelsi Bradley from Hollman Media.

Further updates will be coming as needed.



One thought on “WEB UPDATE: Redesigned unk.edu now live

  1. I am not a big fan of this new layout. It’s difficult to navigate and I can’t find really anything as a current student.

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