Loper Football Backers host sixth fundraising event May 5

Loper-Backers-WebBy TODD GOTTULA
UNK Communications

KEARNEY – Vacation packages, autographed NFL jerseys, golf trips, tailgate parties and many other high-end items highlight this year’s Loper Football Backers dinner and scholarship fundraiser for the UNK football team.

In its sixth year, the event has raised $631,000 for scholarships and other program needs since it was first hosted in 2010. Last year nearly 600 people attended, with a record $165,000 raised for the football program.

Loper Backers hosts this year’s fundraising event May 5 at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney. The evening starts with a 5:30 p.m. social hour, followed by dinner and silent auction at 6:30 p.m. and live auction at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets, which are $40 per person and include dinner, can be purchased by calling Dusty Jura at 308-698-5278 or visiting www.Lopers.com. Corporate tables that seat 10 are $500.

The focal point of the event, silent and live auctions, includes numerous items. Among items that will be auctioned:

  • Star Island Resort Vacation in Orlando
  • Dismal River Golf Package
  • Costa Rica Vacation Package
  • Signed jerseys of Peyton Manning, Denver Broncos; Tom Brady, New England Patriots
  • Football signed by Bart Starr, Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay Packers
  • Lease Loper players and coaches for a day of work
  • Coach for a day, including game day locker room and sideline access with coaching staff
  • Reclining sofa, love seat and rocker recliner
  • Loper fan tailgate package w/season tickets
  • Colorado Rockies baseball package
  • Kenny Chesney concert package

Those not able to attend the banquet but who would like to bid on auction items can do so by visiting online auction company Qtego at www.qtegoauction.com. By registering your phone, you can bid on any item.

UNK begins its 2015 season hosting NCAA Division II power Northwest Missouri State on Sept 3.


Source: Paul Plinske, 308.865.8332, plinskep@unk.edu
Writer: Todd Gottula, 308.865.8454, gottulatm@unk.edu

One thought on “Loper Football Backers host sixth fundraising event May 5

  1. Love the game of soccer. Watching football match is just like enjoying fast and furious… 😉
    Awesome games always and things change within seconds. Thanks for such info.

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