Science Day features hands-on activities, career opportunities

Science Day 1
Photos courtesy of Ken Trantham

KEARNEY – More than 120 high school juniors and seniors will participate in labs and hands-on activities at the University of Nebraska at Kearney’s Science Day 2014.

Hosted by the UNK Department of Physics and Physical Science, the all-day event is Monday (Nov. 24) at Bruner Hall of Science.

Students will rotate through five different classes, where they will engage in various activities in areas such as astronomy, biology, chemistry, health science and physics.

“In each science area we’ll introduce students to these areas with hands-on activities, as well as describe career opportunities in each field,” said Ken Trantham, associate professor and chair of the Department of Physics and Physical Science

Planned activities for Science Day 2014 include:

  • Astronomy: The Sun and the Stars;
  • Biology; Aging White-tailed Deer Using Tooth Wear and Antler Metrics;
  • Chemistry: DNA Extraction and Metal Ion Flame Tests;
  • Health Science: Health Science Careers; and
  • Physics: Sound.

“Some of these activities are structured as a lab class where the students will take home some product as a result of their participation,” Trantham said. “For example, this year in physics students will culminate their session by making a simple pan flute.”


Writer: Todd Gottula, Director of Communications, 308.865.8454,
Contact: Ken Trantham, Department of Physics and Physical Science, 308.865.8278

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