KLPR talk show wins national college radio award

KLPR radio’s John McDermott, left, and Bryce Dolan, right, teamed with Patrick Harris (not pictured) to win first place in the Best Talk Program category of the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System’s Golden Microphone Awards. (Photo by Todd Gottula/UNK Communications)
KLPR radio’s John McDermott, left, and Bryce Dolan, right, teamed with Patrick Harris (not pictured) to win first place in the Best Talk Program category of the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System’s Golden Microphone Awards. (Photo by Todd Gottula/UNK Communications)


KEARNEY – A talk show on UNK radio station KLPR 91.1 FM was named the best in college radio at Saturday’s Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS) Golden Microphone Awards.

The University of Nebraska at Kearney’s broadcast team of Bryce Dolan, John McDermott and Patrick Harris won first place in the Best Talk Program category for their show “The Solomon Grundy Double Power Hour.”

McDermott is a senior elementary education/early childhood major from Merna, Harris is a business administration major from Cypress, Calif., and Dolan is a broadcasting/marketing and management major from Minden.

The contest included more than 800 entries in 40 categories from campus radio stations across the country.

Other nominees in the Best Talk Program category included: University of Tennessee-Martin, North Central College, Kingsborough Community College and Asbury University.

Winners were announced at the IBS annual conference and awards show in New York City.


Source: Elle Scholwin, KLPR general manager, 308.865.8737
Writer: Todd Gottula, 308.865.8454, gottulatm@unk.edu

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