Celebrating Excellence Set for Thursday, April 19

Glennis Nagel

The 21 faculty, staff and administrators who are retiring this spring have more than five centuries of combined service to the campus.

Retirees, and those being honored for their years of service, will be recognized as part of the annual Celebrating Excellence Retirement Luncheon set for 12:30 p.m. Thursday, April 19, in the Nebraskan Student Union Ponderosa Room.

Tickets are $9.10 and are available at the Finance Office, located in Founders Hall. The deadline for purchasing tickets is Friday, April 13.

Recognition of retirees will begin at 1 p.m., with award presentations for years of service set to begin at 1:30 p.m.

Retirees, listed in order according to the year they came to campus, include: A. Steele Becker, sociology, geography and earth sciences, ’64; Betty Bethell, health, physical education, recreation and leisure studies, ’64; Dr. Richard Barlow, mathematics and statistics, ’66; Dr. Donn Carlson, physics and physical science, ’67; Stan Dart, sociology, geography and earth sciences, ’68; Robert Cocetti, communication, ’71; Dr. Ken Nikels, Academic Affairs, ’71; Dr. Darrel Jensen, Nebraska Safety Center, ’75; Dr. Dennis Brown, criminal justice and social work, ’77; Darlene Jatczak, Residential and Greek Life, ’83; Gary Gibbons, Facilities Management & Planning, ’89; Judy Balcom, mathematics and statistics, ’91; Wayne Evers, Nebraska Safety Center,’91; Dr. Lon Pearson, Modern Languages, ’91; Robert Gerten, physics and physical science, ’91; Wes Hird, music and performing arts, ’95; Ray Hansen, Facilities Management & Planning, ’96; Glenda Moes, Residential and Greek Life, ’96; Susan Reiber, Museum of Nebraska Art, ’96; Mary Ann Barton, library, ’97; and Kern Harshbarger, art and art history, ’99.

Service Award Recipients for 2007 are listed below, according to years of service:

Dr.Donn                       Carlson Physics & Physical Science
Kent Emal                    Communication Disorders

Claris Lewis                  Facilities Management & Planning
Mary Losey                   KASE
Beverly Mathiesen         Chancellor’s Office
Jean Mattson                Budget Office
Larry Riessland             Finance Office

Dr. Teara Archwamety   Counseling & School Psychology
Dr.Dennis                     Brown Criminal Justice
Mary Iten                     HPERLS
John Lakey                   Human Resources
Dr.Yozan Mosig              Psychology
Pam Proskocil               History

Kim Christensen           Business Services
Connie Cox                  Teacher Education
Jane Jameson              Music & Performing Arts
Dr. Larry Kuskie           Industrial Technology
Dr. Carol Lomicky         Graduate Studies & Research

Dr. Kate Benzel             English
Kit Brisbin                    Residential & Greek Life
Dr. Greg Broekemier     Marketing & MIS
Ken Cepel                    Facilities Management & Planning
Tom Dennis                 Art & Art History
Dr.Don Envick              Industrial Technology
Dr. Eugene Fendt         Philosophy
Howard Jacobson         Art & Art History
Dr. Allan Jenkins          Economics
Karen Jones                Residential & Greek Life
Dr.Marlene Kuskie        Counseling & School Psychology
Joy Kutsch                  Facilities Management & Planning
Dr. Lillian Larson         Communication Disorders
Dr. Lutfi Lutfiyya         Mathematics & Statistics
Mary Lyons                 Residential & Greek Life
Dr. Craig Marxsen        Economics
Dr. Ken Messersmith    Teacher Education
Connie Mitchell           Health Science Programs
Darrell Morris             Intercollegiate Athletics
Dr. Charles Peek        English
Dan Simmons            Intercollegiate Athletics
Dr. Keith Terry            Communication
Dr.Vernon Volpe          History
Joni Weed                  Career Services

LeeAnn Amm              Admissions
Ruth Behlmann           English
Dr.Wayne Briner          Psychology
Xavier Chavez             Modern Languages
Dr. Julie Dinsmore       Counseling & School Psychology
Dr.Barbara Emrys        English
Dr. Tom Eshleman       Economics
Dr. Scott Fredrickson   Teacher Education
Terry Gibbs                 Industrial Technology
Heidi Haussermann      Information Technology
Dr. Carol Lilly              History
Dr. Trecia Markes         Physics & Physical Science
Dr. Jose Mena-Werth    Physics & Physical Science
Dr. Steve Rothenberger Biology
Dr.David Rozema         Philosophy
Sue Schuyler               Modern Languages
Bill Shafer                   Facilities Management & Planning
Dr.Don Sluti                Management
Mary Sommers            Financial Aid
Geraldine Stirtz           Teacher Education
Corliss Sullwold           International Student Services
Dr. Paul Twigg             Biology
Dr. Barton Willis          Mathematics & Statistics
Rosemarie Wilson        Library

Mary Ailes                   History
Steve Amundson         Industrial Technology
Mary Barton                Library
Chilene Black              Student Records
Dr. Joan Blauwkamp    Political Science
Dr.Deb Bridges            Economics
Dr.Nathan Buckner      Music & Performing Arts
Dr. Scott Darveau        Chemistry
Launa Donohue           Admissions
Dr.Diane Duffin           Political Science
Dr. Krista Forrest        Psychology
Charles Fort               English
Wayne Fuller              Video and Audio Services
Michelle Hamaker       University Public Safety
Mark Hartman            Art & Art History
Dr. Katherine Kime      Mathematics & Statistics
James Lange              Facilities Management & Planning
Kevin Lofton               Intercollegiate Athletics
Dr.David Palmer          Management
Christine Rumery        Accounting/Finance
Eve Scantling             Health, Physical Ed & Recreation
Dr.Neal Schnoor         Music & Performing Arts
Dr.Marguerite Tassi     English
Shirley Vetter             International Education
Laura Wardyn             Finance Office