Renee Ballenger
Q. I am aware that several from across campus have been deeply involved over the last couple of years in the development of a Strategic Plan for the institution. What is the current status of that project?
A. Since 2004, UNK has approached the planning process in phases. In Phase I we developed a Strategic Plan which states UNK’s mission, vision, enduring principles and goals, and key directions for development over the next five to 10 years. That document, completed in January 2007, was developed by the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC), led by Chancellor Kristensen and reflective of broad campus input and leadership.
Q. How will the Strategic Plan be implemented?
A. Implementation of this general plan proceeds in two ways. First, unit managers are responsible to use its guidance routinely in their work—steering programs, deciding on budgets, and so forth. Second, for several subject areas that require cross-boundary or multi-unit vision and planning, special plans are in development that will identify programmatic actions with greater specificity. These special implementation plans were prepared by lead planners who work with designated task forces—all of whom consult with the SPC. (Incidentally, these SPC meetings were podcast to the campus).
Q. When will the Implementation Plans be published to the campus and what are the topics that will be presented first?
A. To date, numerous Phase II plans have been prepared and are awaiting final formatting for posting in the next few days. These deal with Academic Advancement, University Relations, Equity and Diversity, Information Technology, and Intercollegiate Athletics.
Q. What about implementation plans from the other areas for which teams were set up last year?
A. Two other Phase II planning processes, dealing with Student Recruitment and Student Success, have been collapsed into the new Enrollment Management planning system that the institution has recently embarked upon with the Noel-Levitz firm. In another area—that of Facilities Planning—an overall Campus Master Plan and a Residential Renewal Program, for over the next decade, are being developed and activated.
Q. How will the implementation plans be funded, if extra funds are required?
A. Phase III of the strategic planning process will involve the formulation of budgets related to the processes of the program initiatives in Phase I and Phase II, and will carefully adhere to the guidance stated in those formal plans.
Q. How does the strategic planning process at UNK connect with the Regents’ Strategic Framework and university-wide planning?
A. UNK’s planning is consistent with planning activity at all NU campuses that is proceeding in the context of a very active University-Wide Strategic Planning process led by the Board of Regents. Goals stated in the Regents’ Strategic Framework Document (SFD), and indicators used in that document to measure progress, have shaped UNK plans, and will continue to structure the dialogue between campuses and Central Administration about strategic priorities, program initiatives, and budgets.
Q. Where can I find these planning documents, and other related documents regarding the strategic planning process at UNK, as well as NU and the Board of Regents?
A. The UNK strategic planning website has links to the Strategic Plan and other supporting documents. Go to or to the Home Page, then About UNK, then Strategic Planning. NU Board of Regents strategic framework information may be found at