New Mobile Clinic Rolled Out

Glennis Nagel

The Department of Communication Disorders and the College of Education rolled out the new Mobile Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic at a news conference on the campus last week. The mobile clinic will deliver speech, language and hearing services to sites across the state.

In his comments, UNK Chancellor Doug Kristensen noted: “This lab is a centerpiece of service and engagement. It’s an example of giving back to the state of Nebraska.”

The mobile clinic van was made possible through a $100,000 grant from the University of Nebraska Foundation. The equipment was purchased with $25,000 in funding support from the College of Education. The foundation grant request was written by Dr. Kenya Taylor, former chair of the communication disorders department.

“This (the mobile clinic) has been a dream for many years,” she said.

“The grant we wrote this time was number 12, and number 12 was charmed.We are very grateful for the grant.”

Dr. Laurence “Tuff ” Hilton, the current department chair, said, “The mobile clinic is a tremendous opportunity to expand our services. This new facility will allow us to go to the people.We have a special sense of service to rural Nebraskans.

“We are just so very thankful for the funding,” he concluded. Dr. Hilton and Kent Emal, associate professor of communication disorders, designed the mobile lab and determined how the lab would best be equipped.