Office of Multicultural Affairs director, 308.865.8127
Nearly 90 students at the University of Nebraska were named recipients of the 2006 Multicultural Affairs Student Achievement Recognition Awards, sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
These honors are given to students for outstanding achievement in academics and/or leadership.
To qualify for achievement in academics, students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5. Dr. Bryan Samuel, director of the UNK Office of Multicultural Affairs, said many of the students who earned certificates have GPA’s above 3.0.
To be recognized for leadership, students needed to demonstrate active leadership in Office of Multicultural Affairs activities or play an active role in student organizations sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
Students did not have to be members of an organization to earn an award, Dr. Samuel said, but they did have to show involvement and leadership.
“We wanted to recognize students who worked on planning committees, and the students who got involved and played a part in activities,” he said.
Recipients of the 2006 Multicultural Affairs Student Achievement Recognition Awards are listed below, alphabetically by hometown. Their awards are indicated as follows: “A,” academic; “L,” leadership; or “B,” for those who were recognized for both academic and leadership achievements.
Alliance – Erica Sanchez, B; Sarah Stich, B
Chadron – Amber Horse, B
Columbus – Bethany Potter, B
Friend – Hector Vela, A
Funk – Nicole Ruybalid, A
Gibbon – Tabitha Hemshrot, A; Viannet Nunez, B
Grand Island – Manuel Andazola, B; Ana Arroyo, A; Cintia Arroyo, A; Mirla
Coronado, A; Echo Esquitin, A; Astrid Garcia, B; Jose Guerrero,
A; Alma Gutierrez, B; Rachel Hernandez, B; Nancy Mendez, L;
Tram Nguyen, A; Paulina Ross, A; Miriam Terrazas, L
Hastings – Juan Hernandez, A
Hayes Center – Erika Dimas, A
Holdrege – Emily Dunlop, A; Monica Fuentes, B
Kearney – Cinthia Arredondo, B; Amanda Calleroz, A; Nicole Clark, A;
Aaron Dickey, L; David Lopez, A; Salvador Munoz, A; Odguar
Quintana, L; Sheila Quintana, B; Luis Segura, A; Danielle
Shultz, A
LaVista – Jennifer Nava, A
Lexington – Horacio Alvarez-Ramirez, B; Michael Ambriz, L; Maria Avalos, A;
Wilfredo Cabrera, B; Ely Colindres, A; Diva De Leon Vazquez, A;
Brenda De Leon, A; Jaime Flores, L; Yoana Garcia, A; Karla
Gomez, B; Jesus Granillo, L; Mariana Hernandez, A; Nancy Ibarra,
B; Elizabeth Lopez, B; Karen Merino, B; Maria Montes, B; Debora
Monzon, A; Ashley Pano, A; Amy Pepplitsch, A; Karime Rios, B;
Alejandro Rivas, A; Rocio Soria, A; Jesus Tena, A; Sandra
Torres, A
Lincoln – Joseph Chiweshe, A; Daphne Darter, B; Amanda Davis, A; Joy
Iromuanya, A
Ogallala – Sara Chu, B; Erica Chu, B
Omaha – Kristen Brockman, B; Laura Ceron, B; Julio De Leon, A; Ruach
Jack, A; Norma Ngute, A; Brian Shreves, B
Schuyler – Isis Ortiz, A; Joel Lemus, B; Cristobal Salinas Jr., B;
Scottsbluff – Felipe Longoria, A; Hugo Longoria, A; Ray Longoria, A; Marcela
Sabala, A; Christopher Sulu, B; Kaitlyn Torres, A; Manuel
Torres, B
Shelton – Ashley Berumen, A
Wayne – Adriana Carnes, A
Wood River – Maria Guerrero, A; Alicia Rodriguez, A
Miami – Kendrick Percell, A
O’Fallon – William Bates, A
Hanoi – Hoa Nguyen, A