Dr. Ken Nikels

Students at the University of Nebraska at Kearney took center stage at Student Research Day held recently on the campus. A total of 118 students registered to present the findings of their research.   

The following students received awards for their research. They are listed along with the title of their presentation, hometown and faculty adviser.  

Behavioral & Social Sciences Poster Presentations…  

1st Place:            Bradley Stastny ( David City ), Evaluating Evidence Ploys: The Role of
                              Ploy Type in Perceptions of Deception and Coercion.
 Faculty adviser:
                              Dr. Krista Forrest, psychology  
2nd Place:           Josh Dethlefsen ( Sutherland ), Correlates of Trust in a High Trust
 Faculty adviser: Dr. John Anderson, political science
Mention:         Audrey Otondi ( Nairda, Kenya ), with co-presenter Natsumi Morioka,
                      Differences in the Prevalence of Eating Disorders among Japanese
                      and American students.
 Faculty adviser: Dr. Robert Rycek, psychology  

Natural & Physical Sciences Poster Presentations…  
1st Place:       Heather Spangler ( Ewing ), Tungsten Source Integrated Cavity Output
 Faculty adviser: Dr. Jon Thompson, chemistry
2nd Place:      Richard Garrelts ( Kearney ), Optical Spectroscopy of Thin Films and
                      Quantum Dots.
 Faculty adviser: Dr. Mark Markes, physics  
Mention:         Mary Connealy ( Kearney ), with co-presenters Cory Ciccone and
                      Karynn Kucera, Influence of diabetes mellitus and exercise training on
                      oxidative stress repair mechanisms in cardiac tissue.
Faculty adviser:
                      Dr. Janet Steele, biology  

Arts/Humanities Poster Presentations… 

1st Place:      Jessica Isaac ( Kearney ), Beethoven Mythology, A Composer’s                                                                                                            Function. Faculty adviser: Dr. Susan Honeyman, English  

2nd Place:     Cherry Neu Stevens ( Lisco ), The Innate Spirituality of Man: A                                                                                                               Cohesive Body of Work . Faculty adviser: Elizabeth Kronfield,                                                                                                                                art & art history  

Graduate Studies Poster Presentations…  

1st Place:       Stephanie Bogers ( Kearney ), Characterization of OTK18 on PC12
                      cell survival.
 Faculty adviser: Dr. Kimberly Carlson, biology  

2nd Place:     Jeffrey Hamik ( Ayr ), Using Leaf Area Index to Calculate Economic
                      Threshold for Grasshopper in Potato
. Faculty adviser: Dr. Wyatt                                                                                                       Hoback, biology  

Mention:         Michael Ray ( Kearney ),
Influence of Active Commuting To School on
                      Physical Activity Levels of Boys and Girls
. Dr. Kate Heelan, HPERLS  

Oral Presentations…  
1st Place:          Elizabeth Schnieder ( Kearney ),
Understanding the History of the
                             Equal Rights Amendment in Nebraska
. Faculty adviser: Dr. Linda
                     Van Ingen, history  

Faculty Mentor Awards…  
-UNK Faculty Mentoring of Student Research Award:                                                                                                                                                              Dr. Paul Twigg, biology  

-Graduate College Faculty Mentoring Award: Dr. Paul Twigg, biology  

-CBT Award for Faculty mentoring of Undergraduate Student Research:                                                                                                                          Dr. Ada Leung, marketing & MIS  

-CFAH Award for Faculty mentoring of   Undergraduate Student Research:                                                                                                                          Richard Schuessler, art & art history  

-CNSS Award for Faculty mentoring of Undergraduate Student Research:                                                                                                                                       Dr. Chris Exstrom, chemistry  

      The students listed below were among those whose work was selected to
be presented or displayed at Student Research Day. They are categorized by
hometown, with their title and adviser listed after their name.  

Atkinson –        Kathlene Jordan, with co-presenters Blake Mullanix and
                      Julia Strumkat,
Benefits of Attending a Convention – Voices
                    from “The Antelope” Student Publication
. Dr. Beverly
                      Merrick, communication  

Bellwood –         Megan Boss,The effects of culture and gender on romantic
                      jealousy: A comparison of American and Japanese Students.

                      Dr. Joseph Benz, psychology 

Bradshaw –         Heather Tracy,Why Did the Insects Not Cross the Road?:
                     Impact of a Road on Vieques Island Mangrove Swamp.
                      Marc Albrecht, biology  

Chadron –         Jonathan Dailey, NAMM Show. Dr. Jim Payne, music &
                      performing arts  

Columbus –         Ruth Udey,Characterization of Thin-Film GeC Fabricated by
                      a Hollow Cathode Plasma Jet Deposition Method.
 Dr. Scott
                      Darveau and Dr. Christopher Exstrom, chemistry  

Curtis –         Jody Elson,Expression of Ascorbate Peroxidase from
 Dr. Frank Kovacs, chemistry  

David City –         Bradley Stastny, with co-presenter Steven C. Middleton,
                      Personality, Displacement Stress, and Road Rage.
                      Richard Miller, Dr. William Wozniak and Dr. Krista Fritson,

                      Bradley Stastny,The Effects of Culture and Experience on
                     Judgments of Attractiveness.
 Dr. Richard Miller, psychology  

Elm Creek –         Sarah Marshall, Atropisomerism in Substituted Acridines. 
                      Dr. Michael Mosher, chemistry  

Elwood –         Chris Remmenga, with co-presenter Lindsay Hinz,Sensitivity
                      to Change in Environmental Settings: A Change Blindness
 Dr. William Wozniak, psychology  

Gering –               Jaime Wendt, The Role of Eyes in Facial Recognition. Dr.
                      Theresa Wadkins, psychology  

Grand Island –         Melissa Vodehnal,Analysis of Carcinogenic Compounds in
                              the Air in Cozad, Nebraska.
 Dr. Kimberly Carlson, biology  

Gretna –         Claire Perry,Effects of Humor on Repeated Measures of
 Dr. Jean Mandernach, psychology  

Hastings –        Suzana Cook, with co-presenters Jenna L. Hull, Megan M.
Forgiveness: The Effects of Gender and
                      Transgressor Type.
 Dr. Richard Miller, psychology  

                      Suzana Cook, with co-presenters Jenna L Hull, Faithe L. Kroll,
                      The Self-Reference Effect on Recalling Gender.
 Dr. Theresa
                      Wadkins, psychology  

                      Natalie South, with co-presenters Kelcey Carda, Chris Araujo,
                      Lauren Bunsen, Laura Cole, Megan Cozad, Valeri Czaplewski,
                      Krystle Faust, Dustin Foged, Zachary Houdek, Stephanie
                      Klootwyk, Alicia Liebsch, Shaina Meier, Jonathan Rouse,
                      Kody Salsman, Shantell Siecke, Natalie South and Katie
Analysis of Crane Meadows and Strategy for its
 Dr. Ruth Brown, communication  

Holdrege –         Megan Brestel, with co-presenter Shawn Pfanstiel,UNK
                      Marching Band Performance Tour of Italy.
 Dr. Neal Schnoor,
                      music & performing arts  

Kearney –         Sarah Culver with Megan Costello,Student Fitness
 Dr. Gregory Brown, HPERLS  

                      Beth Cunningham, with co-presenters Kylie Fox and Anne
                      Marie Stott, Test Anxiety in College Students.
 Dr. Krista
                      Fritson, psychology  

                      Ashley English, Exploring Europe Through a Lens. James
                      May, art & art history  

                      Christine Gilling,Characterization of the Effect of OTK18
                      Upregulation on Neuronal Survival.
 Dr. Kimberly Carlson,

                      Korena Holen, Work Patterns of Social Workers. Dr. Sandra
                      Cook-Fong, social work

                      Joel MartinUtilizing GIS in Assessing Riaprian Water
                    Consumption Capacity.
 Dr. Paul Burger, geography  


                      Steven Middleton, with co-presenters Stacey DeVore and
                      Emily Graesser,
The Effects of Familial Alcoholism on
                      Individuals’ Drinking Patterns.
 Dr. Krista Fritson, psychology  

                      Steven Middleton,The Influence of Familiarity on Perceptions
                     of Attractiveness.
 Dr. Richard Miller, psychology  

                      Jeff Sylvester,The Multi-generational Workplace:
                      Implications for Human Resource Management.
 Dr. David
                      Palmer, business management  

Lewellen –         Demaris Dymak, with co-presenter Wade Goodwin,Anxiety in
                      Early Romantic Relationships.
 Dr. Krista Friston, psychology  

Lexington –        Jennifer Keim, with co-presenters Nicky Clark and Wendy
Perception of Discrimination Based on Priming of
                      Gender Roles.
 Dr. Theresa Wadkins, psychology  

                      Wadad Nohad Maloley,The Diplomatic Route: Achieving
                      Peace and Stability in Lebanon.
 Dr. William Aviles, political

Loup City –         Benjamin Klein,Does One Get More Flies With Honey or
 Dr. Kimberly Carlson, biology  

                      Jon Reiter,Using the GIS Process in the Site Selection of an
                      Ethanol Production Plant in Nebraska.
 Dr. Paul Burger,

McCook –        Shawn Pfanstiel, with co-presenter Megan Brestel,UNK
                      University Band NMEA Performance.
 Dr. Neal Schnoor,
                      music & performing arts  

North Platte –         Allison Swendener,Effects of exercise combined with a low
                              carbohydrate diet on health.
 Dr. Gregory Brown, HPERLS  

Omaha –            Megan Costello with Sarah Culver,Student Fitness
 Dr. Gregory Brown, HPERLS

                      Jeff Kenney, Figural Study I: Cast Iron Compositions. 
                      Elizabeth Kronfield, art & art history  

                      Kathleen Parish, Restriction in US Immigration Policy. Dr.
                      Claude Louishomme, political science  

                      Al Stahlnecker,Acute Effects of a Weight Loss Supplement
                      on Resting Metabolic Rate and Anaerobic Exercise.
                      Gregory Brown, HPERLS  

Pawnee City –           Preston Larson,Synthesis and Characterization of Novel
                              Binuclear Molybdenum-diimine-diphosphine Complexes.
                              The First Step Toward Solvatochromic “Molecular Grid”
 Dr. Christopher Exstrom, chemistry  

Ravenna –         Brad Bohn,Do Adults Compensate for Physical Activity
                      Energy Expenditure by Increasing Energy Intake?
 Dr. Kate
                      Heelan, HPERLS  

Shelton –          Jason Damm,Inventory of Bat Species at the Happy Jack
                      Chalk Mine.
 Dr. Joe Springer, biology  

Stanton –         Lawnie Woolsey,Expression and Purification of
                      Leghemoglobin from Partridge Pea.
 Dr. Frank Kovacs,

Trumbull –         Brian Banks,Effect of humic acid on aluminum toxicity and
                      phosphate uptake in corn.
 Dr. Paul Twigg, biology  

Wayne –         Heather Stauffer,Seeing The Past: A Pictorial History Of
                      Kearney, Nebraska.
 Dr. Mark Ellis, history  

York –                Cory Ciccone, with co-presenters Mary Connealy and Karynn
Influence of diabetes mellitus and exercise training
                     on gene expression in cardiac muscle tissue.
 Dr. Janet
                      Steele, biology  


Colorado Springs –               Danielle Temple, Colorado Water Policy in the Post-  
                                      Sporhase Era.
 Dr. Peter Longo, political science


Atwood –         Carrie Spresser,In Sickness and In Health . . . . Health
                      Anxiety and Direct to Consumer Advertising.
 L. “Jake”
                      Jacobsen, communication, & Dr. Krista Fritson, psychology  

Norton –         Andrea Martinez-Skinner,Evidence of Novel Water-Soluble
                      Solvatochromic Mo(diimine)(CO)4 Complexes.
                      Christopher Exstrom, chemistry  


Fier –            Anjeza Pashaj, with co-presenters Darby J. Carlson and Dr.
                      Kimberly Carlson,
Characterization of Drosophila
                      melanogaster Transgenic for Human OTK18.
 Dr. Kimberly
                      Carlson, biology  


Bogota –          Jose Martinez,Creating a decision support system for
                      phenology analysis.
 Dr. Sherri Harms, computer science &
                      information systems

      In addition to the undergraduate students presenting at Student Research
Day, there were also graduate students who displayed their research visually.                                                                                                          The following graduate students are listed by hometown.

Alliance –        David Christensen,Endless Battle: A Statistical Survey of
                      Historical Opinion on the Battle of Gettysburg.
 Dr. Vernon
                      Volpe, history  

Amherst –         Tanis Saldivar,Data Hide and Seek: District Accountability at
                      a Glance.
 Dr. Max McFarland, counseling & school

Elm Creek –        Betty Wieck, with co-presenters Dr. Wyatt Hoback and Dr.
                      Julie Shaffer,
Effects of temperature and sex on the
                      antimicrobial activity in the oral secretion of the carrion beetle,
                      Nicrophorus marginatus.
 Dr. Julie Shaffer, biology  

Kearney –         Lisa Cool, Secondary General Education Teachers
                      Knowledge, Value, and Involvement with Individualized
                      Education Plans (IEPs).
 Dr. Max McFarland, counseling &
                      school psychology  

                      Julie McAlpin,Children Escorted to School: Preliminary Data
                      on Parental Physical Activity.
 Dr. Kate Heelan, HPERLS  

                      Michael Ray, with co-presenter Bryce Abbey,Physiologic
                      Response to an Acute Bout of Plyometric Exercise in
                      College Aged Males and Females.
 Dr. Greg Brown,

McCook –         Teresa Donze, with co-presenter Dr. Paul Twigg,Comparison
                     of gene expression in Arabidopsis when infected with Turnip
                      Crinkle Virus or its mutant R6a.
 Dr. Paul Twigg, biology  

North Platte –         Robert Hartman,The Impact of Dynamic vs. Static Stretches
                              on 30 Meter Sprint Performance in Trained Intercollegiate
                              Division II Track Athletes.
 Dr. Kate Heelan, HPERLS  

Ogallala –         Natalie Anderson, with co-presenter Jonie Christensen,A
                      Program Evaluation Study on Accountability: Linking Data to
 Dr. Max McFarland, counseling & school

Omaha –         Brian Sass,Survivability of Grain Mite Acarus siro, is
                      Decreased by High Temperature and Low Humidity Levels.

                      Dr. Wyatt Hoback, biology 


Thompson –             Beth K. Klootwyk,Nebraska Teachers’ Perceptions of
                              Indirect Bullying: A District Needs Assessment.
 Dr. Max
                              McFarland, counseling & school psychology  


Goodland –         Bryce AbbeyEvaluating Compliance of Grade School-Aged
                      Children To Wear Accelerometers.
 Dr. Kate Heelan, HPERLS

      In addition to the visual displays, many students gave oral presentations in
the Nebraskan Student Union. The students listed below are listed by hometowns.

Beatrice –         Thomas McCarty,The Impact of Meatpacking Plants on
                      Crime Rates.
 Dr. Jim Gilbert, criminal justice  

Elba –              Jessica Jurzenski,Invertebrate Biodiversity Affected by
                      Saltcedar Infestations in South-central Nebraska.
 Dr. Wyatt
                      Hoback, biology  

Eustis –              Brooke Malcom,Construction and Characterization of a
                      CDNA Library from Buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides)
                      infestes with Chinch Bugs (Blissus occiduus).
 Dr. Paul
                      Twigg, biology  

Hershey –          Kathryn Bodenhamer,Pizza, Pepsi, and Multiculturalism – A
                      Content Analysis Targeting the Usage and Portrayal of
                      Ethnicities in Super Bowl Commercials from 1996-2005.
                      Ruth Brown, communication  

Hooper –           Molly Weitzenkamp,Community History through Art and
                      Architecture: The Kearney Opera House and Its Insights on
                      a People.
 Dr. Roger Davis, history  

Kearney –         Mindy Lester, with co-presenter Chris Hein,Sibling
                      Comparison and Self-Esteem.
 Dr. Richard Miller, psychology  

                      Laura Logan,Lesbian Social Networks: Rural and Urban
                     Survey Results.
 Dr. Suzanne Maughan, sociology  

                      Kevin Pack, Mentoring Hitler.  Dr. Roger P. Davis, history  

                      Stacy Wagoner,DNA Extraction, PCR, And Gel
                      Electrophoresis In A Forensic Teaching Experiment.
                      Kimberly Carlson, biology  

Lexington –         Wadad Nohad Maloley,The Diplomatic Route: Achieving
                      Peace and Stability in Lebanon.
 Dr. William Aviles, political

Ogallala –         Robert Richte,Nayarit: Regional Identity and National
                      Character on the Camino Real, 1529-1873.
 Dr. Roger
                      Davis, history  

Rockville –         Michael Hewitt,The Role of the Underclass in the Scottish
                      War for Independence.
 Dr. Paula Rieder, history  

Ruskin –           Stacy Simonsen, The Effects of Induced Mood on Perception  
                      of Color.
 Dr. William Wozniak, psychology  

York –              Scott Vincent, Ä2-Isoxazolines from â,ã-Unsaturated Oximes. 
                      Dr. Mike Mosher, chemistry  


Atwood –         Carrie Spresser,The Effects of Eating Disorders on the
                      Perception of Others.
 Dr. Richard Miller, psychology  


Hagenow –         Torsten Homberger, East Germany Goes To The Movies. 
                      Dr. Carol Lilly, history