University of Nebraska at Kearney Chancellor Doug Kristensen today announced the appointment of Dr. Edgar “Ed” Scantling as Dean of the College of Education.
“Professor Scantling is known and respected for his scholarly and professional accomplishments locally, regionally and nationally,” Chancellor Kristensen said. “He is an effective administrator, scholar and teacher, and he exhibits a strong commitment to Teacher Education and other professional programs in the College of Education.”
Dr. Scantling, who came to the campus in 1985, is currently serving as the associate dean for the UNK College of Education. His appointment as dean is effective July 1, 2006, with approval by the Board of Regents.
As a member of the UNK faculty, he has taught a large number and variety of undergraduate and graduate level courses. In addition, he has had extensive involvement in national, regional, state, and local leadership and service responsibilities.
He has been successful in gaining external grant support for his programs. His research has published in numerous peer-reviewed professional journals and textbooks, and he has given presentations at regional and national conferences. Currently, he serves on the review boards for the Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education and Strategies:a Journal for Physical and Sport Educators.
From 1998 to 2004, he was chair of the UNK Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies. In 2004, he was named associate dean for the College of Education. In addition, he has been an assistant wrestling coach and head wrestling coach at UNK.
Among his recognitions is the Leland Holdt/Security Mutual Life Distinguished Faculty Award, which he received in 2001.
A graduate of Humboldt State University, Dr. Scantling earned an M.A. from the University of Northern Colorado and a Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico.
“I am pleased to welcome Dr. Scantling to the UNK administrative team, and I look forward to working closely with him in the years ahead,” Chancellor Kristensen said.