UNK- “Advances in Solving the Mystery of Alzheimer’s Disease,” a presentation by Dr. Paul Bell of Colorado State University, is slated for March 27 at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

The presentation will contain a brief history of Alzheimer’s Disease; how it differs from other forms of memory loss; why risk factors such as age, gender, head injury and genetics are important; and how recent research has offered causes of the disease and interventions in treating it.

Ken Nikels, dean of the office of graduate studies and research, said this presentation is unique in that Bell’s focus comes from personal experiences with family members who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease.

“Paul has a very personal story to tell,” he said. “We are bringing him here because of the widespread interest in the topic. Anyone who has been touched by this disease will benefit from the information he has gathered.”

Bell’s presentation starts at 6:30 p.m. in Copeland Hall Rm. 142. It is sponsored by Sigma Xi and the office of graduate studies and research, and is free and open to the public.