UNK Communications
KEARNEY – Ambassadors from Liberia and Sierra Leone will discuss socioeconomic and health issues that impact their countries April 6 at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
The speakers are Bockarie Kortu Stevens, ambassador of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the United States, and Jeremiah Sulunteh, ambassador of the Republic of Liberia to the U.S.

From 10:10 to 11 a.m., they will discuss socioeconomic issues in Liberia and Sierra Leone in the Nebraskan Student Union Ponderosa Room E.
From 3 to 4 p.m., the ambassadors will talk about the challenges and opportunities in health care in their countries. The presentation will be in the Health Sciences Education Complex.
Stevens and Sulunteh will give a final presentation from 5 to 6:45 p.m. in Ponderosa Room E in the student union. The events are free and open to the public.
Stevens served as ambassador of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the Republic of Guinea, Cape Verde, Mali and Guinea Bussau from 1988-92. Before becoming ambassador to the United States in 2007, Stevens worked as a grassroots capacity building officer.
Sulunteh worked as a commercial aide at the Bong County Agriculture Development Project in Liberia, project coordinator for Friends of Liberia, financial aid advisor for York University in Canada and associate vice president for planning and development at Cuttington University in Liberia. He was an economics professor at the University of Liberia and Cuttington University in Liberia.
Sulunteh was Minister of Transport, Minister of Post and Telecommunications and Minister of Labor for the Liberian government before he was appointed as ambassador of the Republic of Liberia to the U.S. in 2012.
Source: Juan Guzman, 308.865.8127, guzmanj@unk.edu
Writer: Sara Giboney, 308.865.8529, giboneys2@unk.edu