LIVE NOW: New interactive campus map

UNK-New-MapUNK has launched a new interactive campus map that lets users sort the map for areas they are searching for: Parking, Housing, Museums/Galleries, Academic Buildings and Athletics venues, giving multiple “layers” to what has before now been a one-dimensional static map.

Thane Webb

The new map, which overlaps Google Maps and is a satellite-pictorial image from over campus, is live now at It improves the functionality of the web-based map, enhancing directions and calculating drive and walk time, letting users zoom in and out to better view campus buildings and routes, and find their way – both before heading to campus, and when they arrive.

The interactive map is fully functional with mobile devices, and will help campus visitors and new students, in particular, navigate walking and driving routes on campus, said Thane Webb, UNK web developer. Webb developed the map module through UNK’s web content management system, Cascade.

Another helpful function of the interactive map is its identification of accessible doors, ramps and parking spaces, to better show campus community members the easiest ways to access the buildings they are searching for.

Webb encouraged the campus community to try out the new map and to send him ideas for improvements. He also asked web page editors to link to the new map, in addition to providing the downloadable map PDF.


Source: Thane Webb, UNK Web Developer, 308.865.8133,