UNK Management Professor
The 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Nepal has even shaken the University of Nebraska at Kearney. The links between UNK and the mountain regions of Nepal were first established by former UNK student, Mahabir Pun.
Dr. Pun received a master’s degree in education from UNK and was awarded the Doctorate of Letters from UNK (2007) for his vision and work in education, communication, health, local e-commerce, job and business creation, and e-governance in rural mountain areas of Nepal.
For more than 20 years, the Himanchal Education Foundation (a non-profit organization) has promoted, advanced and funded Mahabir Pun’s vision for extended educational opportunities, healthcare, communication and commerce in rural Nepal.
The pictures seen in the news of the devastation in the capital city of Katmandu and the loss of life show the immediate impact of the earthquake. Though the geologic aftershocks have slowed, the economic, social and political tremors are just beginning, especially in the rural mountain areas.
Information is limited, but the impact on the rural area is significant. What we do know is that the medical system is overrun, power is disrupted, communications are disconnected, transportation is near impossible, food and fresh water are scarce, families are sleeping in the open, many school children are orphaned, and it is cold.
True to the mission of the Himanchal Education Foundation, it is seeking immediate and long-term funds.
Will you help to rebuild schools, rebuild computer lab and libraries, rebuild medical clinics, and help students who have lost their parents in these rural mountain areas?
All donations are guided by the Himanchal Education Foundation and the Nepal team led by Dr. Pun.
Visit www.himanchal.org for donation information. Also, visit www.nepalwireless.net for more information on Dr. Pun’s wireless project in rural Nepal.
Contact: Ron Konecny, (308) 865-8366, konecnyr@unk.edu