The View from Here: Vail takes close look at aerial spraying’s impact on agriculture

By JAN TREFFER THOMPSON From 30,000 feet above the Great Plains, you can’t actually see political…

Motivated by Mint: Bryan Drew travels world to collect plants, extract DNA

By KIM HACHIYA UNK Communications Mints. Those aromatic plants that brighten mojitos, tabbouleh and chewing gum,…

Framing the Future of Fuel: Tenkorang studies ethanol’s reputation, impact on world food prices

By JAN TREFFER THOMPSON Frank Tenkorang was still a graduate assistant at Purdue University when his…

Sound Structures: Donofrio’s intricate, complex approach to composition not universal

By JAN TREFFER THOMPSON It’s hard to say when the music starts, exactly. Opening notes insinuate…

Fluorescence: Cao studies hydrogen sulfide as cure for neurodegenerative diseases

By KELLY BARTLING Hydrogen sulfide is an interesting compound. H2S. A colorless gas, it’s that stinky…

‘Nebraska-Centric’ Economics: Passion for home state brings Dority back to Kearney

By KIM HACHIYA Bree Dority was a college sophomore when she realized a class was speaking…