UNK students part of another important team during historic Volleyball Day in Nebraska event

“You can talk about events like this in the classroom, but you really can’t duplicate that…

Now a UNK dean, Paul Twigg maintains focus on student support, success

“I’ve always looked at what I do at UNK as primarily benefitting students. Being a dean…

UNK Planetarium’s ‘Astro Friday’ series takes you on a journey through the universe

Each show features a topical science talk combined with the use of a projector that simulates…

Service, Teaching, Research: Faculty awards presented to five honorees during convocation

Dawn Mollenkopf, Greg Benson, Haishi Cao, Toni Hill and Derek Boeckner were recognized Wednesday.

Quantum Leap: Kearney High science teacher collaborates with UNK research team

The partnership was part of the Research Experiences for Teachers program.

Julie Shaffer named interim senior vice chancellor

Shaffer currently serves as a professor and co-chair in the Department of Biology.