UNK scholarship program paves path to rewarding careers in public administration

“There’s a huge demand right now for public administrators."

Talented high school musicians perform at UNK’s Honor Band and Choral Concerts

More than 500 students from 101 high schools participated in Monday's event.

Brown Bag Lecture focuses on local lacrosse champion

Albert Frederick Lewis is the earliest documented Black lacrosse player.

‘We want to be part of the solution’: UNK program promotes health care opportunities in rural communities

Health science students spent four days in Cozad during winter break.

University of Nebraska at Kearney to host nearly 600 students for Jan. 27 high school honor band, choral clinic

Participants will perform during two public concerts at the Health and Sports Center.

New Loper Success Hub is a ‘go-to place’ for UNK students

"We are working consistently together to try to establish new ways to support students."