Together as One: UNK employees give $33,000 in 2016

Together As OneThe University of Nebraska Foundation has announced the philanthropic support provided by University of Nebraska at Kearney faculty members and staff during the foundation’s fiscal year ending June 30.

UNK faculty members and staff gave ,852 in support of all areas of campus and includes one-time donations, reoccurring donations and planned gifts.

This support includes 0 given by UNK employees during the first-ever Together as One campaign. The campaign ran from March 28 to April 8 and represented the first systemwide effort of its kind to invite all university faculty members and staff to contribute to an area of the university that’s most meaningful to them. Employees were contacted by email and campus mail.

At UNK, the Together as One campaign was co-chaired by Bruce Elder, professor of accounting and finance, and Carleen Jurgensen, office associate with the Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences.

“Thank you to all UNK faculty and staff who gave during the Together as One campaign or who donated funds anytime throughout 2016,” Elder said. “Your contributions to the NU Foundation continue a strong UNK faculty and staff tradition of investing in our students’ growth and development. Together as One we are difference makers.”

Across the university’s statewide system, faculty members and staff gave a total of .87 million during the 2016 fiscal year for support of a wide range of programs, research, scholarships, academic activities and more. Gifts of ,242 were received during the Together as One campaign.
