UNK- Spring 2000 semester classes at the University of Nebraska at Kearney opened Monday, and students with classes in the northeast wing of the West Center building were greeted with a pleasant surprise. Eight classrooms–including one seminar room, and additional office space have been renovated as Phase 1 of construction of the West Center building.

The new classrooms that can accommodate an average of 30 students each, all are equipped with new state-of-the-art multi-media stations for instructor and student use. The stations contain a ceiling-mounted projection unit, VCR, computer and a wall viewing screen. The classrooms were also made more learning-friendly with the removal of several columns from the existing rooms.

Galen Hadley, UNK Dean of the College of Business and Technology, said the renovated rooms and new technology are a “delight.”

“It’s a wonderful wing,” Hadley said. “It provides state-of-the-art facilities that are a tremendous improvement over our old classrooms.”

“This project is one of the deferred repair and maintenance projects approved by the Board of Regents and the Nebraska Legislature,” said Randy Haack, vice chancellor of business and finance. “We appreciate their support and look forward to the continued improvement of the UNK facilities.”

Phase1 of an approximate 2-year construction project including the West Center and Communications Center buildings began in Feb. 1999. Not only have the classrooms and offices been renovated, but a new stairway and elevator are being constructed on the northeast corner of the building to meet the needs of students and faculty with physical disabilities. The stairway and elevator should be completed by Jan. 30, while the final stages of Phase 1 in the Communications Center are scheduled to be complete by mid-February.

Phases 2 and 3 of the project will include the west and center wings of the West Center building, as well as the Communications Center first floor. Construction on that phase started Dec. 15.