NU Foundation breaks 2024 record with $388 million in new funds, boosting student success and research

LINCOLN – The University of Nebraska Foundation announced $388.8 million in new funds committed in fiscal year 2024 – the most ever – to support the University of Nebraska. In addition, 57,603 donors made a gift to advance the University of Nebraska during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.

Gifts supported student access and success to grow Nebraska’s workforce; faculty, academic and clinical excellence to strengthen the educational experience; and transformational research and innovation to solve the state’s biggest challenges.

Donors supported all campuses: the University of Nebraska at Kearney, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nebraska Medical Center and its clinical partner, Nebraska Medicine, University of Nebraska at Omaha and Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis. Gifts came from alumni, friends of the university, foundations and corporations.

“All of us at the University of Nebraska are deeply grateful to our visionary philanthropic partners whose generosity extends the reach and impact of our university so much further than what would otherwise be possible,” said Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., president of the University of Nebraska. “The support of our alumni and friends, together with the partnership of all Nebraskans, has put the University of Nebraska on an extraordinary trajectory. I am gratified that our vision for affordable, accessible, outstanding education that transforms lives here and around the world is resonating, and I can’t wait to see what we will achieve together in the years to come.”

Numerous university priorities benefited from philanthropic support. At the University of Nebraska at Kearney, a groundbreaking was held for a second, $95 million building in the Douglas A. Kristensen Rural Health Education Complex, a UNK-UNMC partnership to address a critical shortage of health care providers in rural areas. The William and Ruth Scott Family Foundation is the lead donor to the project.

Four record-setting campus giving days were an important source of new donors during the fiscal year. Wear Black, Give Back at UNO, Glow Big Red at UNL, One Day for UNK and For the Greater Good at UNMC and Nebraska Medicine raised a total of $2.59 million from 10,390 donors.

During the fiscal year, donors created 138 permanently endowed funds, leaving a lasting legacy of support for the University of Nebraska.

“Our University of Nebraska Foundation team is profoundly grateful to the 57,603 donors who supported the University of Nebraska,” said Brian F. Hastings, president and CEO of the University of Nebraska Foundation. “They are giving every student a chance to succeed, building Nebraska’s workforce and supporting research that changes lives and saves lives.”

Other highlights from the 2024 fiscal year at UNK include:

  • An estate gift will provide approximately 20 scholarships annually to students studying chemistry at UNK.
  • UNK supporters Keith and Eileen Carpenter donated their rare 1948 Tucker sedan to support UNK scholarships. The sale of the vehicle will fund approximately 43 scholarships annually.

The record-setting giving occurred as part of Only in Nebraska: A Campaign for Our University’s Future. The multiyear campaign seeks to engage 150,000 benefactors to give $3 billion to support the University of Nebraska. As of June 30, $2.35 billion has been raised from 141,677 unique donors toward the campaign goals.

Fundraising results are reported in accordance with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s Global Reporting Standards, which governs reporting for educational philanthropy at schools, colleges and universities across the globe.