Meet a Loper Graduate: Maisy Wade wants to share her college experience with future students

When Maisy Wade visited UNK for the first time, she immediately noticed the strong community on campus.

“I could tell that I would be 100% supported on my journey here.”

That first glimpse of Loper life led to an incredible college experience for the Wray, Colorado, native.

Wade got involved in numerous aspects of campus life, allowing her to broaden her horizons, enhance professional skills and meet “so many extraordinary people.”

She joined the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority and Loper Programming and Activities Council (LPAC), a student-run group that plans many of the events on campus. Wade served as social media chair and co-president for LPAC, as well as director of academics for Alpha Omicron Pi, which recognized her as the outstanding senior for 2024.

She was also the social media director for The Antelope student newspaper, a resident assistant, New Student Enrollment leader and member of the Order of Omega honor society. On top of all that, Wade completed an internship with the UNK Student Engagement Office.

“My undergraduate career at UNK has given me many opportunities to learn and grow,” she said. “I have learned that college is a pivotal time in one’s life. Through various student affairs initiatives, I have met many people from different backgrounds and gained a deeper understanding of the world around us. These experiences have greatly enhanced my education.”

They helped direct her career path, too.

With a “strong desire to create and foster those same experiences for others,” Wade plans to work in student affairs on a college or university campus.

“I would not be the person I am today without the dedicated people I have met in the profession,” she said. “I truly want to give back and be that same support system for students.”

Wade graduates summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in sports management and a minor in event management. She’ll represent the College of Education as a gonfalonier during next week’s summer commencement ceremony.

After that, she’ll attend the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to pursue a master’s degree in educational administration with a specialization in student affairs administration while working as a graduate assistant in the UNL Center for Advocacy, Response and Education.

What does this moment mean to you?
This is a significant milestone for me. It’s a symbol of everything I have accomplished during my time at UNK – all the friendships I’ve made, the late nights working on homework, and all the different involvements I’ve had. It’s also the start of a new chapter in my life. I am so excited to take all of my experiences as a Loper and carry them into my future endeavors.

What’s your favorite thing about UNK?
My favorite thing about UNK is all the friendships I have made. Being involved on campus allowed me to meet a lot of amazing people from all over campus. I’m thankful for the bonds I’ve formed that have allowed me to share many, many laughs and take several happy memories from UNK.

Who was the most influential person during your undergraduate career?
Renae Zimmer is a role model to me and I am so happy that I got to work with her during my time at UNK. She is the human form of sunshine and always goes out of her way to support UNK students. Renae is a stellar adviser for LPAC and has greatly enhanced our organization. I also got the honor of working with her during my internship with the Student Engagement Office. She never hesitated to sit and talk with me about her role on campus and give advice.

What’s your most memorable experience at UNK?
I loved being part of LPAC. Through this organization, I got to help plan and execute several different events for campus. My favorite event to help at was our spring concerts, both Yung Gravy and Nate Smith. It was very rewarding to see everything come together after putting in a lot of work with the other amazing LPAC members and UNK leadership.

What’s your favorite place on campus?
The AOII lounge. I always felt at home here, like I could truly be myself. I have many fond memories of watching movies, singing karaoke, working on homework and staying up too late chatting with my sisters.

How about your favorite class?
I took three different classes with Tom Kropp and they all were fantastic! He was an amazing professor and shared a lot of valuable life advice. I appreciated that he took the time to get to know each and every one of his students. He created a great environment in his classes that fostered good discussions about various topics.

What advice do you have for current and future Lopers?
I would say to get involved! I have found so many opportunities through my involvement at UNK that have truly enhanced my campus experience. I know it sounds cliché, but time truly does fly by. So don’t be afraid to jump right in and try something new.