UNK adds security cameras to campus parking lots

KEARNEY – The University of Nebraska at Kearney strengthened campus security by installing surveillance cameras in nine parking lots.

Initiated by UNK Student Government, the project enhances safety for students, employees and visitors while respecting individuals’ privacy rights.

“UNK is a very safe place, but more ‘eyes’ are always better,” said interim Police Chief Ricci Fast. “These cameras will assist our officers in solving crimes, but the hope is that they deter more crime than they catch.”

Installation of the cameras was completed this summer. Their primary use is to record images that can be accessed during the investigation of a criminal act or campus policy violation.

Camera locations, recommended by UNK Student Government, include parking lots near the Nebraskan Student Union, Martin Hall and new sorority housing, Centennial Towers and Mantor/Randall residence halls, Cope Stadium, Memorial Student Affairs Building and Bruner Hall of Science/Thomas Hall.

Funding for the $30,000 project was provided by UNK Student Government.

“I’m happy to see the university responding to strong student concerns about campus safety and collaborating with our student government in taking actionable steps,” said Temo Molina, student body president and student regent. “As a student senator last year, I supported President (Emily) Saadi and the financial commitment from our budget toward this project, and I’m happy to see it now as president. Students spoke, and we listened.

“We are thankful for the university’s shared priority of student safety on campus.”