‘A Survivor’s Perspective’: UNK event focuses on sexual violence prevention

KEARNEY – Sexual assault survivor and violence prevention educator Brittany Piper will speak 7 p.m. Nov. 30 at the University of Nebraska at Kearney’s Health and Sports Center.

Her presentation, “Rape Culture: A Survivor’s Perspective,” is sponsored by UNK Fraternity and Sorority Life and UNK Athletics. The event is free and open to the public.

Piper was 20 years old when she was brutally raped by a man pretending to be a good Samaritan. Overwhelmed by shame and self-hatred, she battled severe eating disorders and alcohol addiction before ending up in a jail cell, which she refers to as her “concrete bottom.”

Now, as an activist, speaker, healing coach and leading expert on sexual violence and prevention, Piper uses her story of adversity, resilience and triumph to empower audiences and inspire them to take action in their lives and communities. Her presentation shines a spotlight on rape culture and helps individuals understand the role they play in either perpetuating or ending this cycle.

Piper’s work has been recognized by the U.S. Army, Laura W. Bush Institute for Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan and Elite Daily. In addition to her speaking engagements, she is a forensic neurobiology expert who conducts dozens of trauma-informed trainings and programs with the U.S. Army and sex crimes detectives each year.

The UNK event will also highlight local resources available to those impacted by sexual assault, including the UNK Title IX Office, UNK Student Health and Counseling, UNK Gender and Sexuality Resource Office, Kearney S.A.F.E. Center, Family Advocacy Network and Cooperative Campus Ministries.