Celebrating Greek Week: Pi Kappa Alpha President Joe Kment

Grade: Junior
Major: Industrial Distribution
Hometown: Fremont

Why did you join a UNK fraternity?
I joined a fraternity because of the connections I was able to make right away on campus. Being able to have an instant network allowed me to have a home away from home on the first day of school.

What’s the best part of Fraternity and Sorority Life?
The best part of Fraternity and Sorority Life is being surrounded by devoted, hardworking people. This environment of hardworking people trying to better themselves, their chapter, UNK and the Kearney community is truly something amazing.

How has Fraternity and Sorority Life impacted your college career?
Fraternity and Sorority Life has impacted my life in a substantial way. FSL has opened so many new doors and opportunities for me. I’m not sure what my college career would be like without it.

Why should incoming students get involved with Fraternity and Sorority Life?
Incoming students should get involved with Fraternity and Sorority Life for many reasons. Whether it is leadership skills, brotherhood/sisterhood or an accountability system, FSL is capable of providing benefits to any new student at UNK.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about UNK’s Fraternity and Sorority Life organizations?
People would be surprised to know the outreach that UNK’s Fraternity and Sorority Life has on campus. It spans from UNK Athletics, UNK Band, Student Government, honors societies and everywhere else on campus. Members of FSL organizations take pride in being involved outside their chapters.


  • Roughly 1 in 5 UNK freshmen join a fraternity or sorority
  • UNK fraternity and sorority members complete more than 25,000 community service hours annually and raise thousands of dollars for charities
  • UNK fraternity and sorority members finished the spring 2020 semester with an average GPA of 3.32
  • Compared to the overall student population, fraternity and sorority members are more likely to finish their degree at UNK and support the university as alumni