UNK’s Emergency Operations Team, the Public Health Center on campus and administration would like to remind you of the following Phase I policies regarding campus events:
- All events hosted on or off campus by UNK groups must be approved by the UNK Event Approval Committee.
- No events sponsored by non-UNK groups will be approved.
- Event organizers must submit a plan to the committee no later than three weeks prior to the event date. The form – available here – covers topics such as face masks, sanitization, social distancing, venue layout, food, entertainment and transportation.
- Organizers also must submit the standard room/table request form available here. Note: Only room/table requests are required for small on-campus groups (25 or less) that do notinclude food or physical activity. COVID committee approval is not needed.
- Any group that is meeting in a shared space must wear masks.
- Participants must maintain six feet of distancing whenever possible.
- Event organizers must communicate to attendees the need to consciously screen for symptoms, and to stay away from the event if they have symptoms.
- Room and venue capacities will follow current Directed Health Measures.
- Food distribution for entertainment or other purposes must follow terms of the UNK Dining Contract and other UNK policies. Prepackaged food and drinks are recommended. It is also recommended that food and drinks are served as “grab and go” rather than allowing event attendees to remove their masks and eat at the event.
Among events that require approval:
- Concerts and performances
- Conferences
- Banquets and ceremonies
- Workshops
- Career fairs
- Orientations
- Intramural sports
- Recreational activities
- Special events that bring high school students to campus
- Regular classroom activities, meetings and informal activities do not require approval from the UNK committee but do need to comply with current Directed Health Measures and UNK COVID-19 policies.