KEARNEY – Bidders will find a mix of the usual and unique during the University of Nebraska at Kearney’s annual surplus auction.
The sale, scheduled for 4 p.m. Friday (June 1) near the corner of 19th Avenue and 24th Street on the UNK campus, includes dozens of items from the university’s inventory that are now available to the public.
Furniture from offices, classrooms and residence halls and equipment such as overhead projectors, interactive Smart Boards, a copier/printer, lawn mowers and snowblowers are among the expected items buyers will find at the auction.
There are also park benches, grills, picnic table frames, bike racks, trailers, ladders, various lighting supplies, nine refrigerators, two upright freezers and a washer and dryer.
Attendees will find a number of surprising items on the auction block, including a 12-foot aluminum boat with a trailer and Evinrude motor, 16-foot artificial tree, popcorn machine, flower cooler/display case, foosball and air hockey tables, medical gurney and three pianos.
Plenty of recreational equipment is also available, just in time for summer. Various weights, exercise machines, volleyball nets and a Whirlpool stainless-steel tank with two hydrotherapy units are up for grabs, as well as diving boards, kickboards, timing systems and other items from the recently decommissioned campus swimming pool.
Several large tree logs, both hardwood and softwood, will also be sold.
Visit www.isabellauction.com to view a complete list of the auction items and check out photographs. Item inspections will be allowed only on the day of the sale. A forklift will be available that day and June 4-7.
The annual surplus auctions have generated a total of $185,441 in net proceeds for UNK since 2007. For more information, contact Don Wellensiek at 308-440-2573 or wellensiekdr@unk.edu.