UNK Communications
KEARNEY – Installation of structural steel is mostly complete, and workers continue to push toward finishing framing work and the shell of the new Village Flats residence hall at University of Nebraska at Kearney.
Crews also are pouring the parking lot this week, and electricians and plumbers have started inside the building, said Project Manager Michael Cremers.
There is a big push to get the building weather proofed and ready for exterior masonry and window installation, so that work can move inside this winter.

Address: 2201 University Drive; South side of Highway 30, directly south of Health Science Education Complex and UNK’s West Center.
Cost: $16 million; Funding for the new residence hall is from $12 million in revenue bonds and $4 million from a UNK surplus fund.
Size: Three-story structure with 99 apartments and 130 beds, including 68 one-bedroom and 31 two-bedroom units.
Construction Start: April 2017
Planned Completion: Summer 2018
About The Project: Village Flats is a 130-bed apartment-style residence hall designed for upperclassmen, nontraditional university students and UNK guests that replaces the former University Heights, built in 1960 northwest of campus. Village Flats is the first project in the University Village development.
Architect: Holland Basham Architects of Omaha
General Contractor: Hausmann Construction of Lincoln
Developer: Burlington Capital of Omaha
University Village: University Village is a 104-acre mixed-use development on UNK property. Estimated at between $400 million and $500 million when finished, the entire project could take between 15 to 20 years to develop. The mixed-used development will feature retail, office, academic facilities, recreation space and housing. UNK is partnering with private and other business entities on the project. University Village is a pedestrian-oriented “walkable” community with public gathering spaces. In addition to approximately 680 residential units, projects planned for the area include a recreation complex with indoor track and tennis center, outdoor tennis courts and a softball complex.
Next Project: Contractors will break ground in spring 2018 on the Early Childhood Education Center, a $6.4 million, 17,800-square-foot project. The center will have a capacity for 152 children from infant to age six.
On the Web: http://www.unk.edu/uvillage/
Writer: Todd Gottula, Director of Communications, 308.865.8454, gottulatm@unk.edu