EVENT: “Thornton String Quartet in Concert – 300 Years of Classical Music Through String Quartet”
SHOW DETAILS: The Thornton String Quartet – a select scholarship student ensemble at University of Nebraska at Kearney – will present six works from the late 17th century to the 20th century, representing stylistic periods from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic to the contemporary era. The audience will experience the evolution and development of the classical music from the works featured in this concert, including compositions by Corelli, Haydn, Beethoven, Borodin, Shostakovich and Charles Ives.
TIME: 1:30pm
DATE: Saturday, April 29
PLACE: G.W. Frank Museum of History and Culture at UNK
PERFORMERS: Eric Jensen, viola, Bismarck, N.D.; Alexandra Lieb, cello, Kearney; Gina Lieb, violin, Kearney; Madeline Maloley, violin, Omaha.
TICKETS: Free and open to the public
ABOUT THORNTON STRING QUARTET: The Thornton String Quartet is UNK’s principal student string chamber ensemble and has represented UNK in various performance venues throughout Nebraska. Selected through competitive auditions, each member receives a Thornton String Quartet Scholarship in the amount of $3,000 annually. Students pursuing any degree at UNK and demonstrating strong abilities in any of the string quartet instruments (violin, viola, cello) are encouraged to audition for this scholarship ensemble.
CONTACT: Ting-Lan Chen, Professor of Violin/Viola, 308-865-8041, chent1@unk.edu