PHOTO GALLERY: Imagination Day: Reloaded!

Steven Ramsey, UNK associate professor of glass and sculpture, gives a glass blowing presentation at the University of Nebraska at Kearney’s Imagination Day: Reloaded! Wednesday. Hosted by the Art and Design Department at UNK, the event attracted more than 110 students from 13 central Nebraska high schools and included workshops and demonstrations for students interested in art and graphic design careers. Looking on are, left to right: Ebert Ponce, Grand Island High School; Ejanae Dixson, St. Paul High School; Kathleen Dixson, St. Paul; and Jewell Dixson, St. Paul. Demonstrations included work in areas such as painting, ceramics, print making, photography, computer 3D modeling, glass blowing and letterpress. (Photos by Corbey R. Dorsey/UNK Communications)
Steven Ramsey, UNK associate professor of glass and sculpture, gives a glass blowing presentation at the University of Nebraska at Kearney’s Imagination Day: Reloaded! Wednesday. Hosted by the Art and Design Department at UNK, the event attracted more than 110 students from 13 central Nebraska high schools and included workshops and demonstrations for students interested in art and graphic design careers. Looking on are, left to right: Ebert Ponce, Grand Island High School; Ejanae Maly, St. Paul High School; Kathleen Dixson, St. Paul; and Jewell Dixson, St. Paul. Demonstrations included work in areas such as painting, ceramics, print making, photography, computer 3D modeling, glass blowing and letterpress. (Photos by Corbey R. Dorsey/UNK Communications)

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