Staff Senate: Tim Bartling receives Employee Achievement Award for June

Bartling-Tim-webTim Bartling, video engineer and classroom design manager for Video Services, is recognized by UNK Staff Senate with the Employee Achievement Award for June. Bartling has been employed at UNK since 2007.

The Employee Achievement Award recognizes staff for exemplary service and notable contributions to their department and UNK community, embracing an attitude of teamwork, commitment to excellence, contributing to high staff morale and other notable awards or recognition on and off campus.

Comments from those who nominated Bartling:

“Tim has supported distance education that UNMC College of Nursing has had on the UNK campus for several years. However, with the move and upgrade with technology to the new Health Science Education Complex, his service has been invaluable and more demanding. Tim has never disappointed us and been here to assist over and over. He is our go-to guy for any computer connection issues in our new building. He gets everything set up in a timely manner.”

“Without Tim’s help this past academic year I don’t know how we could have “hit the road running” without his knowledge and prompt assistance. His assistance with helping us understand the technology available to us has been invaluable. He was part of a major team that got the new complex up and running with the technology to do the distance education, along with many long days and hours during the early part of the fall opening.”

“Tim has had to coordinate many more sources of communication, coming to not only the College of Nursing but now the Allied Health programs. He has worked closely with me on the scheduling aspect of the room usages, but I am not the only one in that mix anymore. He has also had to train a new assistant for this building while still assisting UNK with all of its video management. He now has to keep more people informed and updated daily. He has been the primary force in making the new Health Science Education Complex as phenomenally connected and highly functioning as it is.”

“Tim is a true professional and committed to serving us to his utmost best. He is timely and prompt in serving our needs and does not leave us wondering when we will hear back from him. Tim works a problem until it is resolved to everyone’s satisfaction; no easy task when dealing with two departments.”

“Tim’s attitude is always pleasant and calming, as he is often called into a problem situation where the technology isn’t working as it should and we are panicking. We have such faith and trust in his ability to find the solution or direction we need. Tim is always cheerfully helpful, never condescending and so competent.”
